10 Easy Ways to Make Your New House Feel Like Home

Home Sweet Home!
Buying a new home, whether it’s your first home or your third, is always an exciting experience. Once the paperwork is complete, it’s time to move in! But often, first-time buyers find themselves overwhelmed. This new house seems strange and not like the home they imagined. Whether you bought a new house or one to renovate, a few simple steps can turn your “new house” into your “new home”!
1. Start with the Kid’s Rooms
Kids can have a hard time adjusting to a new environment, especially when they’re younger. To ease the transition, bring in their furniture, clothing and special items first. You can unpack anything fragile. Then let your kiddo(s) spend time unpacking their belongings themselves. This will give them a sense of purpose and a job to keep them busy.
2. Bring out Familiar Sounds and Smells
If you regularly use candles, diffusers, etc. then don’t wait to bring them out right away. Setup your grandfather or cuckoo clock. We find familiarity using all our senses, not only with our eyes. These familiar sounds and smells can help calm anxiety or stress and make your house feel like home.
3. Claim Your Windows
Curtains and blinds can make all the difference. Many times, a new home will not include window coverings. Having these open windows is great for natural light but not for privacy or comfort. Curtains can add a pop of color or texture and blinds will ensure you have privacy.
4. Paint the Walls
A fresh coat of paint can turn a simple room into an oasis. Choose one room at a time, don’t overdo yourself. You still have to finish unpacking, after all. A fresh coat of pain in small bathroom or an accent wall adds a personal touch to your home.
5. Change the hardware
Most homes come with the brushed nickel door knobs, hinges and stoppers. While they do serve their purpose, they’re in most homes. Changing the doorknobs adds personality to a room with very little effort and time. Make sure you don’t forget the hinges!
6. Hang a Wreath on the Door
A wreath may seem like a waste of money. A passing indulgence, only viewed from the outside. Many home owners forego a wreath without considering how often they drive up to or past their house. This little touch of flora can spruce up a porch and create an ambience of welcome.
7. Add Fresh Flowers
Everyone loves fresh-cut flowers. They add a pop of color and a pleasant aroma. If you’re environment-conscience, go with faux flowers. They’ll last longer and are interchangeable for the seasons. Nothing says “home sweet home” like seasonal decor!
8. Bring out the Family Photos
You may move them around until you find the placement you prefer, but don’t wait on family photos. From candid shots to portraits, photos tell stories and bring comfort to your new home.
9. Focus on one Room
Unpacking and cleaning can be overwhelming. Instead, pick one room at a time to unpack, clean and decorate. If you find you need more decor, it’s easier to focus on a single room rather than the entire home. Start with the kitchen or your closet. Both are rooms that have high-traffic and function!
10. Stick to Your Routine
Turning your new house into a home begins and ends with similar routines. If you had a table for keys and purses in your previous home, be sure to set that back up first. You may find you had a mudroom in your previous home and no longer do in your new home. Take a little time to create a faux mudroom with hooks and hangers.
A few, simple changes can make a new house feel like home. You don’t have to do them all at once. The trick is to add a personal touch as often as you can, over time. Whether it’s your first home or fifth, adding a personal touch and settling into your new home takes time. That sense of familiarity will take time. But these few tips can help speed that up. You’ll go from “house” to “home sweet home” in no time!